CyLog Software Homepage BeanMaker v2.10
Copyright ©2000-2006 CyLog Software
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   String Function Tags
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Writing Templates - String Function Tags

BeanMaker support a few strings function to help you perform simple string manipulation.

LowerCase conversion:

UpperCase conversion:

    $substr('string', starting index, number of characters)$

    $rpad('string', number of characters)$

    $lpad('string', number of characters)$

    $zeropad(numeric value, number of characters)$

    $equals('string value 1', 'string value 2', 'true result', 'false result')$
Returns the 'true result' if the first string is equal to the second string, otherwise it returns the 'false result'

    $pos('sub string', 'main string')$
Returns 0 if 'sub string' is not contained in 'main string', otherwise the position of the main string in which the first occurence sub string starts (1..n, where n the length of the main string in chars)

Last Pos:
    $lastpos('sub string', 'main string')$
Returns 0 if 'sub string' is not contained in 'main string', otherwise the position of the main string in which the last occurence of sub string starts (1..n, where n the length of the main string in chars

The string parameters in the above functions can contain string constants, BeanMaker's tags or even other functions. Examples:

$lower('Java')$         => java
$upper('Hello World')$  => HELLO WORLD
$upper('$class$')$      => convert the representation of the $class$ tag to upper case

$substr('cylog',1,2)$   => "cy"
$substr('cylog',1,200)$ => "cylog"  (returns all remaining characters)
$substr('cylog',3,2)$   => "lo"     (returns 2 characters starting from the 3rd character)
$substr('cylog',3,0)$   => ""       (empty string)
$substr('cylog',1,1)$   => "c"      (first char)
$substr('cylog',2,1)$   => "y"      (second char)
$substr('cylog',3,1)$   => "l"      (third char)
$substr('cylog',4,1)$   => "o"      (fourth char)
$substr('cylog',5,1)$   => "g"      (fifth char)
$substr('cylog',6,1)$   => ""       (no chars at position 6)

$rpad('cylog',8)$   => "cylog   "     
$lpad('cylog',8)$   => "   cylog"     

$zeropad(1,4)$      => "0001"
$zeropad(22,4)$     => "0022"
$zeropad(123,2)$    => "123"        (number is longer than the requested number of chars)

$equals('$index$','0', 'zero','not zero')$   =>   "zero" when the $index$ tag is "0", "not zero" otherwise 

$pos('x','banana')$      => "0"
$lastpos('x','banana')$  => "0"
$pos('a','banana')$      => "2"
$lastpos('a','banana')$  => "6"
$pos('ana','banana')$      => "2"
$lastpos('ana','banana')$  => "4"

To convert to lower caser the first letter of a property, do this:


        $substr('$property$',1,1)$                                  => the first letter or the property
$upper('                          ')$                               => uppercase of the first letter
                                     $substr('$property$',2,255)$   => the rest of the property string
Copyright ©2000-2006 CyLog Software